英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:10:47
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1. " I usually ask him did he take out the garbage, " she said.

take out the garbage的解释

1. Don't forget to take out the garbage.

2. I need you to take out the trash /garbage.

3. I can take out the garbage for you.

4. It's your turn to take out the garbage.

5. Can I help you take out the garbage?

6. It`s your turn to take out the garbage.

7. It's not my turn to take out the garbage.

8. Mom: If you take out the garbage and do the dishes, I'll think about it.

9. Make sure to remind me to take out the garbage later.

10. Whose turn is it to take out the garbage and do the dishes?


11. Moreover, Mike promised him to take the garbage out every night in the coming month.

12. Having shoveled shit for some of the great men of Washington for almost twenty years, he was still little better than an enlisted man, the eternal snuffy, paid to take out the garbage, thrown a couple of bills by the fat cats in their thousand-dollar suits.

13. A few years ago, one rebel economist, who wanted Japan to print its way out of deflation, could think of nothing better on which to lavish a proposed $150bn than on a fleet of 250m-long garbage incineration and fish-farming ships. The Japanese government did not take up his suggestion.

14. When the temperature and retention time reach 160 ℃and 80 minutes respectively, most of thesolid grease in the garbage is extracted out to become floatable oil which can be separated and recovered readily. Subsequently, the amount of floatable oil begins to decrease since chemical reactions such as the partial hydrolysis of the oil take place. Additionally, the extraction of solid grease from interior accords with first2order reaction dynamic model.
结果表明,湿热处理初期,垃圾脱水率下降,加热40min 后,脱水率开始上升,且温度越高,上升越快,180 ℃加热100min 达最高;随着温度的升高和加热时间的延长,餐厨垃圾脱油性能呈上升趋势,温度越高,上升趋势越明显;当温度达到160 ℃,加热时间达80min 时,垃圾固相油脂基本浸出完全,继续升温和加热,部分油脂发生水解等化学反应,可浮油量开始降低;垃圾固相脂质浸出符合一级反应动力学。

15. Lvy has to take out the garbage. And her husband only fails twice.

16. You take out the garbage.

17. take out the garbage的解释

17. You have to remind Jane to take out the garbage.

18. Take out the garbage and recycling for a month.

19. take out the garbage是什么意思

19. Let's play hooky today.2. You're wearing your sweater inside out.3. It's upside down.4. Don't forget to take out the garbage.5. Hurry or we will be late for school.6. Aren't you forgetting something?

Don't forget to take out the garbage.(别忘了扔垃圾呀。)
Whose turn is it to take out the garbage?(轮到谁出去倒垃圾了?)
They still make their spouses take out the garbage, do the dishes and change diapers — no matter how impressive their accomplishments in the field of battle is.(她们会让自己的突击队员丈夫倒垃圾、洗碗和换尿布——不论他们在战场上取得了多么骄人的战绩。)
You take out the garbage.(你把垃圾拿出去。)
I play with the kids, take out the garbage, get six hours of sleep if I'm lucky, and then it starts all over again!(我哄孩子,倒垃圾,走运的化,睡上六个小时,然后又周而复始,重头来过!)
I hope you know what you're doing. They'll track water everywhere and have a million water fights, and you won't be able to take out the garbage without stepping in mud up to your neck.(我希望你清楚你在干什么,他们会走来走去,搞的到处是水渍,会打一百万次水仗,到时候你要是不肯趟过脖子深的泥水,就休想把垃圾倒出去。)
What are you talking about? I always take out the garbage.(你在说什么?一直都是我倒垃圾。)
For example, the "Clean out the office" job is made up of several next actions (ie, "Take out the garbage," "Rearrange the book shelves," "Purge filing cabinet.")(例如,“整理办公室”是由若干个NextActions,即“扔掉垃圾”、“整理书架”和“整理档案柜”组成。)
Mom: If you take out the garbage and do the dishes, I'll think about it.(妈妈:假如你把垃圾拿出去,并把碗盘洗一洗,我会考虑。)
Why take out the garbage when your whole apartment is a mess?(当你的公寓乱七八糟时,为什么要把垃圾丢掉?)
take out the garbage是什么意思 take out the garbage在线翻译 take out the garbage什么意思 take out the garbage的意思 take out the garbage的翻译 take out the garbage的解释 take out the garbage的发音 take out the garbage的同义词